Love made visible

What We Do


The Global Orphan Crisis stretches across the world, affecting a staggering number of children. Some are orphaned (having lost at least one parent), some are displaced and others are at-risk, living in volatile home environments. They lack access to basic health needs, a good education and, most of all, a loving family to help them grow into their God-given potential.

Since 2009, we’ve been supporting people who are committed to helping children. Our story started with just 30 child sponsorships in Ethiopia. Since then, we’ve traveled further around the world (including into our own backyard) and discovered how everyone has a part to play in the story of orphan care.

Through the years of work in serving vulnerable children we have learned a great deal about what it will take to continue to take ground in solving the orphan crisis. We certainly know that no one person or organization will ever solve this crisis alone. We must all play a part to see the dream of eliminating the orphan crisis become a reality. Over the years Love Made Visible has become more and more clear on the part we are to play in this grand story.


In our effort to play our part, we focus on a few key things:

Global Orphan Care

Local Group Homes

Mobilizing Your Church

Adoption Grants